Saturday, August 02, 2008

Wheat in the Sunset...

ISO 100 ~ f/7.1 ~ 1/125th ~ 44mm

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  • Hey, really nice picture. Where did you find the wheat?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:43 PM  

  • What a *lovely* time of day and season... reminds me of South Dakota!

    The picture makes me feel warm :).

    By Blogger Emily Mitton, at 12:14 AM  

  • Well, it reminds ME of North Dakota. A week or two ago I took some pictures of wheat too. :) Oh, guess what? I'm getting a new camera soon!! My d40x was in repair. They don't make one of the parts, so I can pick a camera out of equal value. But I'll add some money to it, so I can upgrade!!! =) I am VERY excited!!!!

    By Blogger Goldfish, at 7:47 PM  

  • @Faith: I took that picture in our neighbor's field about 3 miles away from our house.

    @Emily: It happens to remind me of WI, funny enough! :-P :) Yes, it was a beautiful evening!

    @Megan: YAY about your camera! You getting a D80? ;)

    By Blogger Ryan H, at 1:07 AM  

  • Was this the "prettier than real life" wheat you were telling me about?? :-) Very nice!

    By Blogger muzic4him, at 10:40 PM  

  • I certainly hope so!! Mom and I have to go to Bismarck (about an hour and fourty-five minues away) to get to the store though. :( SO I'm not sure when I'll get it, but in the mean time, I don't have a DSLR!!!! arrgh! BTW, what kind of bag do you use --and what do you put in it)?

    By Blogger Goldfish, at 6:40 PM  

  • @Andrea: Yes, that was the field! :) I was almost thinking the opposite of him, though; I found it hard, if not impossible to capture the full beauty of the field. I have always loved wheat & grains.

    @Megan: You mean for my camera/lenses? I just use an old case that my Dad gave me... I know, I know. Wrong place to put expensive equipment, but it is small, compact, and fits my gear well. If/when I upgrade some of my equipment, I'll get a backpack-style with integrated padding so that I can put each lens and body and device in it's own padded cell. You'd think it was for some psych ward, eh? ;)

    By Blogger Ryan H, at 1:17 AM  

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